Sunday, March 29, 2009



I've thought about this long and hard... For a while... It seems I am still in PRE-pre production stage.

My original idea is to create a comedy piece. OK, OK, I know, a little vague. But let's see... I've thought about the direction that I want to take... My target is first and foremost my fellow students. I want to create something that we, as students, can all relate to. I've thought of taking some of the horrors of our daily life as a premise. Let's just say, students can turn quite monstrous during finals week. It's almost like a battlefield! I want to do something mundane like... Students trying to use the same equipment. But then it turns into this giant overexaggerated battle...

I'm still developing... AUGH! I should have posted way earlier :O


  1. comedy pieces are easy to do *nod nod* and i think the idea you have so far would be entertaining...! go with it! but if you are gonna have actual students in your animation you might wanna think of how to do that in a really simple way cos animating full figures in Flash would be time consuming and frustrating O_O you could just make them stick figures lol. or whatever...but yeah what you have so far sounds good!

  2. I like it. I think a huge battle may be a little extreme, but I know you and I know that it wouldn't be impossible for you to pull off. If you do choose to do the fellow student thing, though, you're gonna need to make sure you can caricature them in the simplest way possible. Obviously the first thing that comes to mind are Craig McCracken-type designs.

  3. I also am at a vague point in the concept stage, so don't feel bad. Just keep developing your character, your conflict, and your setting.

  4. A comedy huh? Well I like it, because we all know the beasts finals week brings out!! But I have to agree with Alex doing fully rendered and animated students will take a really long time. But one thing is keep it simple. In comedy I've found that the less is more is usually a great way to go. Over the top comedy is easy to do, but I think simpler things tend to get more laughs because the audience can relate to them more. But I really like what you have so far, I look forward to seeing it!

  5. I think that sounds like a good idea! I think it would be really funny! Especially if you use Dee as one of the characters! lol But I think it is gonna be tough trying to show fighting in Flash though.. But I think to make it more simplier you could probably make it more Animatic like instead of making it into a full animation fighting scene if you would find that easier!

  6. The idea of taking a mundane event and making it comedy is perfect, and I like the idea of multiple people trying to use the same equipment. Something I always had trouble with was the capture stations -- I'd walk around in circles in the two halls where they are and try to be all stealthy getting one, but it always seemed like just as I was turning the corner someone was sitting down at one. Maybe something subtle like that would be easier to pull off than an all out battle?
