Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Childhood memories JOGGED

When I was much younger, there were two animations that really stuck with my and my sister. We weren't really sure why, but they just did. We couldn't remember the entirety of the cartoon but the bits and pieces that we did remember, it really made an impression that never left us. One of them had two very poor kids who collected pieces of wood so they can start a fire in their meager home with their mother. As they collect fire, they pass through stores and bakeries, admiring them from the storefront. The other one had a pair of love birds who were separated for sometime but later reunited. Several months ago, I finally found them on youtube! I was so excited that I immediately sent the link to my mom, who loved the cartoons just as much. I was surprised to learn that they were in fact made by Max Fleischer.

1 comment:

  1. Woah! The hawaiian bird one was on a video tape I had when I was little. It's a surprisingly compelling piece, and I had no idea it was max fleischer!
