Tuesday, March 31, 2009


I've figured it out! So after reading the comments from my last entry, I've decided that a battle scene miiight be a bit too ambitious.

I'm still doing a 'finals' theme, but it's going to be on a more specific dilemma. More specifically, Maya dying. We are all too familiar with this. I've decided to take our experiences and apply it to the five stages of grief... Comically, of course. I was thinking the title could be something like... "The Death of Maya." Along with that title I want to make a parody illustration of The Death of Marat but in place of Marat's head, it will be a computer screen.

Anyhow, here is the script! As with anyone familiar with the five stages of grief, I'm sure you know what to expect. That's exactly why I chose this subject. Most people are familiar with the concept of grief. ESPECIALLY that of a computer program that decides to shut off without having been saved. My only concern is that... I hope this isn't too cheesy...




Mouse clicks, Eye pop,

Character A notices something is wrong. Cut to computer. The hourglass icon has been there for an eternity. Breaking the fourth wall, Character A looks at the viewer in shock.

Title : The Five Stages of Grief


Title: Denial

He scoffs and shakes his head at the computer. It’s no big deal!


Title: Anger

He finally goes berserk! Chairs are thrown! computers are shaken! People are punched!

Hand smack together, mutter (gibberish)

Title: Bargaining

He clasps his hand together and mutters a few words of prayer.


Title: Depression

Poor guy… He is sobbing uncontrollably. He is possible shaking someone.


Title: Acceptance


I've left the last row blank because I'm still toying with different ideas...

Sunday, March 29, 2009



I've thought about this long and hard... For a while... It seems I am still in PRE-pre production stage.

My original idea is to create a comedy piece. OK, OK, I know, a little vague. But let's see... I've thought about the direction that I want to take... My target is first and foremost my fellow students. I want to create something that we, as students, can all relate to. I've thought of taking some of the horrors of our daily life as a premise. Let's just say, students can turn quite monstrous during finals week. It's almost like a battlefield! I want to do something mundane like... Students trying to use the same equipment. But then it turns into this giant overexaggerated battle...

I'm still developing... AUGH! I should have posted way earlier :O

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


This Mojizu is hilarious! Her name is Dance Dead and how appropriate she is...

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Childhood memories JOGGED

When I was much younger, there were two animations that really stuck with my and my sister. We weren't really sure why, but they just did. We couldn't remember the entirety of the cartoon but the bits and pieces that we did remember, it really made an impression that never left us. One of them had two very poor kids who collected pieces of wood so they can start a fire in their meager home with their mother. As they collect fire, they pass through stores and bakeries, admiring them from the storefront. The other one had a pair of love birds who were separated for sometime but later reunited. Several months ago, I finally found them on youtube! I was so excited that I immediately sent the link to my mom, who loved the cartoons just as much. I was surprised to learn that they were in fact made by Max Fleischer.

Monday, March 23, 2009

I love these...

Some of my favorite animation (that I can think of off the top of my head):

Quiet possibly, one of the funniest short I've seen in a while. Sailor Moon brings up childhood memories, hahahaha. It's funny, and it's well done! AWESOME!

LOVE this video clip.

Creature Comforts! My only complaint about this video is the low volume... But nothing that can't be solved without a little help from headphones! An interview about art... Seriously, I LOVE Aardman.

An Introduction

Drawing is my life. I will never cease doing so until my hand somehow fails me. In which case I will probably draw with my mouth. Or my feet. Well, you catch my drift. Being able to make my drawings come to life is such an amazing concept. It piqued my interest in animation. Even better though, are the characters that COME to life. Characters that move us, make us cry, make us laugh, make us think and ponder. That is, in fact, what truly brought me to animation: Characters.

My name is Nisa and this is my Production Blog. I hope you will enjoy your stay. :)